My take on CappersMall, not good!


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Let me first state I don't like to bring my dirty laundry to other forums, and If the Admin finds this post offensive, you pulling it would be understood to it's fullest! I'd also like to make mention as I've stated before, I have nothing against the legit pay services as I came on the scene as one myself. But as you all know, I now release everything free. In doing so, I revealed the straight shooting Admins/forums vs the money grubbing ones that have no good ethics or intensions of treating the "common poster" on public forums fairly in fear of losing money from the pay services that fund their sites to promo on. After becoming free, I was banned for promoing in the promo section at one forum, go figure....and then banned from the "Almighty" cappersmall forum over them being abunch of suck asses.... Please read from the bottom up to see what I'm talking about. I hope to open eyes to the people who post at real forums such as this one, to appreciate what you got....Keep up the good work here and thanks for treating all posters equal!


**** you and your scrambled rules...I touted in no way in my post, and once people click on profiles, what it consist of should be left up to the person who created the profile...If you consider me putting my url to my site in three fields in my profile touting, I'd advise you think again. Bottomline, you banned me as you saw I was a free service and was concerned your paying services that fund you to promo on your site might get pissed and not continue to send you funds.

So, take your money grubbing ass and shove your site and shove it elbow deep up your ass. I will not continue to talk to you in a "civil" way as civil is not in your vocab. And I don't make threads, only promises!

----- Original Message -----
From: Cappers Mall Forums
Cc: 'Webmaster (CM)'
Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2004 3:50 PM
Subject: Forum


I am not sure why you feel neccesary to threaten one of my moderators or anyone from Cappers Mall.

Like you and your business, I have the right to run my business. They only are following the rules.

We do not allow URL's of any kind. Sports Services (paid or free), sportsbooks, casinos. This way we do not have to judge which ones are allowed and which ones are not. I can tell you the most paid services do not like me. Why? because I only have stake in the forum and that does not help them so naturally they get upset. This is not the first time and it will not be the last unfortunately.

I am sorry you do not like our rules and they do not benefit you, but I am sure you do not go around in life just being defiant and breaking rules. We all have rules that we think are petty and so fourth and we have the right to not particpate if we do not like rules of another company.

If you want to post stuff about us in other forums, I will appeciate any free advertsing you can give us. Members then can make their own decisions on whether or not we have a good forum. Thanks in advance.

I will just say one more thing. I do not personally know you, nor do you know me. I am smart enough to not make threats to someone I do not know. But I will make you a promise, I do not take threats lightly and I act on them accordingly.

If you want to continue this conversation in a civil manner feel free to email me back anytime. I always listen to feedback. That is how I improve my forum that is above the ones you frequent I'm sure.


I'd say your life is sad for banning someone for putting their URL in three fields in their profile?????? LOL better look in the mirror......A little concerned the guys who pay you to advertise as a pay service may not like a FREE service posting on your forum? That's what this is all about and you know it. Tell Jack to handle anything he wants, as this is currently being constructed into my post that will be blasted everywhere, money grubbing asshole! Ban me for putting my url in my profile in three fields????????? LOL, what money will do eh ass sucker?

----- Original Message -----
From: Webmaster (CM)
To: 'Chance Raven'
Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2004 3:16 PM
Subject: RE: hello

Alright dude - I will not respond anymore and will let Jack handle it.

Your life must be sad. Good luck to you

-----Original Message-----
From: Chance Raven []
Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2004 2:55 PM
To: Webmaster (CM)
Subject: Re: hello

Consider it done, just getting caughtup here.

----- Original Message -----
From: Webmaster (CM)
To: 'Chance Raven'
Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2004 2:52 PM
Subject: RE: hello

First of all I did not "**** with you", however keep pushing because you will only drive more traffic our way that may result in potential monies derived from services who pay to advertise with us, unlike yourself!

-----Original Message-----
From: Chance Raven []
Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2004 2:37 PM
To: Webmaster (CM)
Subject: Re: hello

no prob, you have ****ed over the wrong person! you have nothing to stand on that I was touting so why would I admit that? profiles are fair game and posters can put anything the want in them....You will soon see that your shitty, ass sucking to the services that pay you, and I'll push this daily, and if I can keep one person away from your suck ass forum I'll be happy.

----- Original Message -----
From: Webmaster (CM)
To: 'Chance Raven'
Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2004 8:58 AM
Subject: RE: hello

Just admit you were touting. You can blame me if you want. I am just following the rules. They are clear. To bad you can not. So share your email with whoever you like. This is not something new.

Good luck to you

-----Original Message-----
From: Chance Raven []
Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2004 1:23 AM
To: Cappers Mall Webmaster
Subject: Re: hello

That is by far totally wrong, unfair and down write shitty....I in no way tout, and profiles are for you (the poster) to put his info so if people do want to see if your a site owner WITHOUT TOUTING ON THE FORUM which i dont do..........using the fact I posted my url in 3 of the fields in profile, big IN NO WAY exploits touting when posting.....very very sorry and lame ethics as a forum owner as you are simply reaching for a reason to ban me.....Sad.

Quite frankly, I think I was banned because my service is free and you wanted in no way the risk for me to take potential clients from the pay services that pay you to be displayed on your side.......Basically you are sucking ass to the pay services because they pay to advertise with you.......Very poor ethics, and think I'll make this email public to show what you're about, because you know your reasoning for banning me was sorry.....hopefully others will see you show favortism to your pay services that fund you over free services....yeah I'll be doing this.

Good riddens...

----- Original Message -----
From: Cappers Mall Webmaster
To: Chance Raven
Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2004 1:03 AM
Subject: Re: hello

Our rules are very clear when it comes to touting. We have a no tolerance when it comes to anything that can be construed as advertising.

Posting your URL in the profile, location, interests and favorite team could be construed as an attempt to advertise.

Our regular site does a lot of promoting of touts however the forum - it is 100% prohibited. It is one of the things that has made our forum so successful during it's first two years. The rules are quite clear when you register and agree to the terms of the forum

Best Regards,

Cappers Mall Forum Team

----- Original Message -----
From: Chance Raven
Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2004 12:47 AM
Subject: hello

hi, I have posted 4 times I believe, as my acc was activated yesterday or the day before, but I just tried to post and got the below error....Have I violated any rules? I don't tout, so maybe a glitch? Please let me know, thanks!

ChanceRaven, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

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